Kickstarter Reward Fulfilment & Shipping

Kickstarter Reward Fulfilment & Shipping

DuTec wish you the best success for your Kickstarter Project. We realise how important your project is to you and your Kickstarter Backers.

If you did not know already, there is valuable information provided with a Creator Handbook by Kickstarter. They also recommend sourcing a reputable  fulfillment  house in their  fulfillment  page.

DuTec will ship your Kickstarter Backers’ Rewards to Europe and provide international shipping to anywhere in the world at very affordable rates.

First Kickstarter Orders

We know that many startup companies do not have the IT facilities due to size and financial constraints. So we will advise you on how to send your order files to Dutec. It can be as simple as a spreadsheet on email. Although we do have more advanced integration systems, it is not necessary to use these. Perhaps further down the line when your business becomes successful, we can discuss more seamless options.

Current Kickstarter Companies

We are currently shipping orders for Kickstarter companies such as Pebble. Pebble, as you may know, have had the largest Kickstarter campaign to date. We are proud to provide services to such campaigns.

Let us Begin

So you probably have lots of questions about reward fulfilment, storage, taxes, duties, delivery costs etc. Please  contact us  as soon as possible so that we can discuss your fulfillment requirements in a lot more detail.

For further information on our Kickstarter Fulfilment Services call +353 61 498034 or  Contact Us by clicking here.